Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Question of Nutrition #1: The Negative Impact of Diet Beverages

Question:  Does drinking diet beverages slow down body fat loss?

Answer:  Here are some stats for you regarding the question:

•    People who consume diet drinks on a regular basis have a 200% increased risk of weight gain, a 36% increased risk of pre-diabetes or metabolic syndrome and a 67% increased risk of diabetes[1].

•    A study of over 400 people found those who drink two diet sodas a day had five times the increase in waist circumference as those who didn’t drink soda[1].

•    Artificial sweeteners disrupt the normal hormonal and neurological signals that control hunger and satiety[1].

•    According to Dr. Mark Hyman artificial sweeteners causes your palate to shift from being able to enjoy fruits, vegetables and whole foods to only liking foods that have sweeteners (Sugar), fat and salt[1].

•    New research is finding there are taste buds in the stomach in addition to the tongue.  When they are stimulated they send a signal to the brain to release insulin[2].

In conclusion, if you drink one diet soda during the week to keep you from going on a regular pop or sugar binge it may assist with weight loss as it will result in less sugar and calories consumed.  However, if you are drinking 1-2 diet pops/day it may slow down weight loss not to mention the other negative issues it causes.  Those causes will be listed in future posts.

1.    Hyman, M.  2012.  The Blood Sugar Solution.  New York, NY: Hatchet Book Group.
2.    Schlaus, M.  “BioSignature CE.”  Poliquin Strength Center, Providence, RI.  12-13 March 2011.

1 comment:

  1. All good info as usual. What do you think is the best joint supplement?
